However inherently corrupt monarchism as a system of government, it is pretty clear if you studied the situation that Talia is a comparatively good monarch and Vaklu is a despot. As the political animosity between the general and the queen grew, riots between supporters of Vaklu and Talia became common, assassination attempts on both the queen and the general were frequent. In Knights of the Old Republic II, we meet the strong figures Queen Talia and General Vaklu on Onderon, where the player can choose to help bring the planet into the Republic, or aid the treacherous General in removing the queen from her throne.12 - Talia, Vaklu & Master Kavar When you first enter, you'll witness a battle taking place between the two factions. Queen Talia is trying to save the planet. But to Vaklu's horror, Talia intended to execute Vaklu on the spot. For the Light Side you’ll face off against Vaklu and a couple of his guards. This article or section needs to be cleaned up to conform to a higher standard of article quality. After the Jedi Civil War, the dark days of the Dark Wars began.

Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Vaklu's soldiers ran into the throne room, as the Exile killed the beast.Inside the throne room Vaklu dueled Talia. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Physical description Still have questions? It was then that Surik pointed out that if Vaklu was executed, it would make him a martyr to his supporters the captive General was nonetheless sentenced to death and executed by firing squad. Vaklu and Tobin were the ones who started the whole thing but it’s being passed off as a Republic attack to turn the public further against Queen Talia. The idea that the choice is locked in before you leave Iziz and then there's no way to backpedal is so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.